msn money



Can anyone tell me what happened. Money has been working fine for a few
months now, but yesterday when I try to view my portfolio the page is blank.
The menu column on the left is also blank.
I tried to remove money toolbox and reinstall it but no go. I have tried
all of the suggestions in the troubleshooting guide. again no go. I
reinstalled the certificate. no go

Any suggestions?


Can anyone tell me what happened. Money has been working fine for a few
months now, but yesterday when I try to view my portfolio the page is blank.
The menu column on the left is also blank.
I tried to remove money toolbox and reinstall it but no go. I have tried
all of the suggestions in the troubleshooting guide. again no go. I
reinstalled the certificate. no go

Any suggestions?

See the answers you got in your first thread. Please do not create a new
thread for the same issue. It fragments the thread and makes it
difficult for people to help you. You also need to be patient. This is a
newsgroup and people who help live all over the world. It can take 24-48
hours before you get an answer, depending on the time zone where the
person answering lives.


Jerry Grabill

MSM Money does a back of your portfolio. It is on your C drive.
You can import that backup to Money. The tool to restore is in
the condensed view of your holdings


The menu column is also blank. It does work fine on my laptop with XP and IE6.

I currently run Vista home premium IE7 and / or msn premium

everything else on the site works fine example: news Quotes. just no
portfolio manager.


Reload the Portfolio without signing out, the menu option should reappear.
Its a known issue.
The only other potential fixes are to ensure all the appropriate sites for money, moneycentral, msn, live, etc are added to the Trusted Sites zone and security in IE set to medium low. Ymmv.

Here's some reading material

The correct forum(though not a lot of activity) for Msn Deluxe Portfolio is

Additionally, use of MSn Explorer may also be a factor.

: The menu column is also blank. It does work fine on my laptop with XP and IE6.
: I currently run Vista home premium IE7 and / or msn premium
: everything else on the site works fine example: news Quotes. just no
: portfolio manager.
: "Jerry Grabill" wrote:
: > MSM Money does a back of your portfolio. It is on your C drive.
: > You can import that backup to Money. The tool to restore is in
: > the condensed view of your holdings
: >
: >
: > --
: > message : > > Can anyone tell me what happened. Money has been working fine for a few
: > > months now, but yesterday when I try to view my portfolio the page is
: > > blank.
: > > The menu column on the left is also blank.
: > > I tried to remove money toolbox and reinstall it but no go. I have tried
: > > all of the suggestions in the troubleshooting guide. again no go. I
: > > reinstalled the certificate. no go
: > > Help????
: > >
: > > Any suggestions?
: >
: >

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