Msmsgs.exe suddenly takes up 100% CPU



Greetings y'all...wondering if someone can help.
Seems lately that all of a sudden, while I'm doing music
or just about anything, my computer gets a seizure! No
error messages or anything, it just acts like it's gone
brain dead. I do the old ctrl alt delete thang and scroll
down the list of all the processes running. (usually very
few at any one time) Lo and behold there's the msmsgs.exe
teetering between 98 and 100% of my cpu's capacity. I'm
sure I have more than enough ram. I run music programs
playing back 16 to 32 simultaneous tracks of HUMONGOUS
audio files and the computer never flinches otherwise.
Problem is that once msmsgs hogs everything, I can't
close programs or save anything; I have to turn the power
off. Comes back on and everythings peachy...till the next
time. Any Ideas? I have Norton and Zone labs...No viruses
that I'm aware of, unless y'all know somethin' I
don't...Please help!


hey signin steve that file msmsgr.exe is the msn messenger. have you done
a spyware scan becuase i'd put my money on some spyware or adware program
is using ur messenger to do its stuff. i assume you know how to disable
messenger and so on from starting up with windows.

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