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Doug S

I am still not able to get my 2 computers (WinXP) to see
each other on network. I've completed these tasks:
1. enabled Guest acct.
2. disabled firewalls
3. use TCP/IP for File & Print Sharing
4. NetBIOS over TCP/IP
5. run "ipconfig /all" The node type on desktop
= "unknown". On my Laptop
="mixed". Below is values for some other fields
displayed on this screen. Format is:
"field name: desktop value, laptop value".

Primary Dns Suffix: [blank], [blank]
Node type: unknown, mixed
IP routing enabled: yes, no
WINS Proxy Enabled: no, no
Connect-specific DNS suffix: [blank],

I've pinged both NIC IP addresses with no luck on either.
Any other ideas why the network fails to work?

A R Feitosa Neto

I see that the partial success you wrote about on July 13 vanished, since
you can no more even ping the NICs

this seems to be a XP plague, as you can see for the numbers of posts
accounting for problems browsing workgroup using XP in this forum. And more
when you have also Win98 or ME boxes on the network

I would go with Steve's notes ...


have the same account and password and both machines.

make sure the ICS client machine has got and IP address from the ICS

The LAN connected link on the gateway would have static address

DHCP must be enabled on the client, and an cmd /k ipconfig /renew must get a
fresh address promptly

Do not use the wizard: make the adjustments one by one..

A few days ago I had a problem with a customer's 5 boxes XP Pro LAN: a newly
added station refused to appear on the workgroup list on the others. I
changed a local security option, asking to autenticate users as themselves
when possible (I am not sure of the exact text: please take a look on the
control panel)

and then it started to work :).

Note that the guest account was enabled on all stations, as is in your case.
I changed this setting just to see what happens, since the user account is
also replicated in the other boxes in my case... In your case it would be
easy to test

please let us know of the progress


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