Msgbox if query no result displayed



I would like to display msgbox ("No data or no result") if
my query don't find any data.
How to write this code?
I tried with If is null...but can't find any solution..
Who will help me?
Any help welcome.

Ken Snell [MVP]

How are you "opening" the query? What is the use of the query: form
recordsource? report recordsource? something else?

To do what you want, you will have to use VBA code or macro to test whether
the query will return any records, or some other similar process. Post more
details, please, about what you're doing.


As first, thank You for your kindness.
I have Select Query based on table. The Query fills
subform-Child. There are 2 columns in this subform.
On the main form I have textbox with sum of second column
in subform.
In case that there is no data, I want to display msgbox to
inform that sum/total of one column is 0 (currency).
But, how should I express something like:
If query result has no data, then sum of column is zero.
I want to write code but how to express qery result?

(sory about my english I'm trying)

Ken Snell [MVP]

You want the textbox on the main form to show a zero if there are no data in
the subform? Otherwise, it's a sum of that subform's column?

In the subform's footer, put a hidden textbox (name it txtSum) and use it to
sum the column. It's control source should be

In the main form's textbox, use a control source similar to this:
=IIf(IsError([Subform].[Form].[txtSum]), 0, [Subform].[Form].[txtSum])

Subform is the name of the subform control (the control that holds the


YES, YES !!!! That's it!
Thank you very very much.
You're an expert!
Best wishes, J.V./EUR/CRO

-----Original Message-----
You want the textbox on the main form to show a zero if there are no data in
the subform? Otherwise, it's a sum of that subform's column?

In the subform's footer, put a hidden textbox (name it txtSum) and use it to
sum the column. It's control source should be

In the main form's textbox, use a control source similar to this:
=IIf(IsError([Subform].[Form].[txtSum]), 0, [Subform]. [Form].[txtSum])

Subform is the name of the subform control (the control that holds the


Ken Snell

As first, thank You for your kindness.
I have Select Query based on table. The Query fills
subform-Child. There are 2 columns in this subform.
On the main form I have textbox with sum of second column
in subform.
In case that there is no data, I want to display msgbox to
inform that sum/total of one column is 0 (currency).
But, how should I express something like:
If query result has no data, then sum of column is zero.
I want to write code but how to express qery result?

(sory about my english I'm trying)
process. Post more result")


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