Msg: TesAddCreated.xla is not a valid add-in


Neil Bhandar


I just created a xls file and changed the extension to xla.

set the following in my code

thisworkbook.isaddin - true

Yet each time I try to add the xla as a an add-in I get a
msg back saying the file is not a valid add-in any clues?



might have stayed in the other thread..

open the xls.
in File Properties change the Title to something meaningfull

then use saveas...

then in the dialog for filetype
select Excel Addin (bottom of the dropdown)
close the xls.
then in tools..addins you should see the addin under the name you
entered in the title property.
Or maybe need to browse if not saved in standard addin folder.

If you need to work on it..
you can toggle the isaddin property.
you need to set it to true when you save it.


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