Msg Box to Appear??




Can anyone please show me how i can get a message box to appear onc
the macro is activated and disappear once the macro is done...? th
macro is activated via the command button on a useform... currently,
am using the status bar to display the message i want to show but it i
not obvious enough... i have also tried to use the progress applet a
shown in pearson's website but due to my lack of vb knowledge i wasn'
able to modify the progress applet to run according to my macro...
would really appreciate any help/advice provided...


Patrick Molloy

add a userform witha lable...the default is label1.
add the forrlowing sub to a standard module...

Sub MyButtonCode()

Dim i As Long
Dim t As Long
UserForm1.Show False

For i = 1 To 1000
t = Timer
UserForm1.Label1.Caption = i
Loop Until Timer > (t + 1)


End Sub

the code loads the form in mode-less ...that means that the code continues
while the form is visible

Tom Ogilvy

Just some added information.

A msgbox is modal - it holds the focus and no code runs while it is
displayed, so a msgbox will not work for this.

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