MSDN in shared location



I have Installed MSDN for VS 2003 and VS 2005 in single machine. I have to
access those msdn separately (User can choose the documentaion either 2003 or
2005) from other client machines over intranet. How can acheive this?

Thanks in Advance,

Michael Nemtsev

Hello Dhans,

AFAIK, in the Readme file on the MSDN disk was desciption how to use MSDN
over network.

D> I have Installed MSDN for VS 2003 and VS 2005 in single machine. I
D> have to access those msdn separately (User can choose the
D> documentaion either 2003 or 2005) from other client machines over
D> intranet. How can acheive this?
D> Thanks in Advance,
D> Dhans
Michael Nemtsev :: blog:

"At times one remains faithful to a cause only because its opponents do not
cease to be insipid." (c) Friedrich Nietzsche


Thanks for your reply Michael Nemtsev,
The read me file explains how to install the MSDN from the shared
location/cd drive in the network. But, I do not want to install the MSDN in
each machine in the Network. I just want to view the MSDN document which was
Installed in one server.

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