MS08-013 OfficeXP-kb944423 VBA code is broken


Mathew Uthup

This security fix has replaced the core VBA DLL VBE6.dll. This dll has all
the major VBA function like log. Core functions like the log functions are
behaving differently now.
For example Int(log(128)/log(2)) now returns 6 now instead of 7.How did
Microsoft sent out such a patch without a roll back feature? I am more
concerned as all the changes in the DLL are not even documented. No Roll back
!! This is going to cost financially!!!. Please, please, look into this
before it becomes a financial burden
Mathew (MSCD) ...:)


I could not agree with you more, this update diblitated 2 forms out of 225,
how is one to even guess where to start. And they crash with no error
code.... Just gone.

Ended up going back to previous dll, but that's not the right answer in the
long run.


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