MS web.ui.webcontrols.dll - not working




I went to

and saved down the TreeviewControl.msi file and also
IEwebcontrols.exe and ran the install in build.bat files.
I manually pointed to the cse.exe file in build.bat but
the webcontrols.dll never showed up until I ran install on
TreeviewControl.msi which gave me a C# app code with the
dll, but I can't open the project - says I am missing web
components - which I am not. Anyone every try these
controls? Advice on how to set it/them up correctly?

Better yet, my goal is to create a hierarchical type
listbox, listview thing on my asp app. Any suggestions
the best way to do this?


Hermit Dave

from a previous post of mine

Do the following
1) Start >> Programs >> Visual 2003
inside you will find visual studio command prompt

2) now that you are on command prompt (the reason you need to use this is
that the correct paths are set to enable comiplation)
browse to the directory where you installed files

3) open the readme and go through it

4) first step is to execute Build.bat (i think you are opening it from

5) copy the files to inetput (you have xcopy syntax you need to use in the
Readme file)

hope this help



Hermit Dave


Thanks for your reply. And I appologize if this sound
lame, but how do you access the command prompt from
VS.Net? Is this different than if I went to a dos window
command prompt?

And yes, I clicked on build.bat from explorer.


Well, I figured out how to use the VS.Net command prompt,
but now I am getting this error message that the path to
csc.exe cannot be found. Here is build1.bat (where I hard
coded the path to csc.exe)

@if "%_echo%"=="" echo off

if not exist build mkdir build

\csc.exe /out:build\Microsoft.Web.UI.WebControls.dll

xcopy src\Runtime build\Runtime /E /Y /I /Q

I know csc.exe is in this path because I did a search on
that, and this is what I came up with. But the message
also said that 42 files were copied. So that part
worked. Note: I did not install this at C:\Program
Files\IE... Any suggestions appreciated.

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