MS - Vista Setup



I have installed Vista Ultimate. I've networked it and loaded Office 2007,
adobe, cuteFTP and AutoCAD 2008. Everything worked great. I moved it to the
work station area, and the only thing different I connect was a new 24" HP
monitor. I found and installed the drivers for the monitor. I get no ? or
errors in device management.

But upon bootup every time I get this error message.
"This computer must be restarted before updating can continue. Would you
like to restart now."

All of the MS updates have been done. I can still access the network, all
programs seem to run correctly. I can surf the internet with no problems.

Ron O'Brien

Don't know if this helps - I had a similar problem when I first installed
Windows XP Professional, it turned out that one of the upgrades I'd done
didn't install correctly. I had to go to control panel select the show
windows up-dates and search out the duff download to uninstall (not easy I
think I just uninstalled one at a time until it went away, they ran the
up-date prog again.

Someone else may have a better idea of whats going on


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