MS Upgrade email



Over the past couple of days I have received 2 emails, one
said it was from:

MS Internet Security Division
The other from
MS Internet Security Department

Both came with an attachment: Exe files with different
names. I've never received any thing like this from MS
before. When I go through the MS update program on my
computer, I'm not offered a "September 2003 cumulative
patch" from the MS update web site. Something doesn't feel
right about this.

Why would MS have a Inet security Division and a Inet
security department? Both sending me a Sept.2003 patch but
with different file names?

Thoughts, anyone?


as far as i know MS never informs of updates over email...
windows has a built in system for that sort of thing, plus
u can always run windows update to get everything you need.

I recieved one of those some time ago, but I deleted it
right away, since there is simply something fishy about
them sending you a letter regarding this. Plus the layout
of the email didnt seem right, looked more like something
someone made up rather than MS to get you to download a

Just run windows update regarding any security/windows
updates, and you will be fine.

Plus always check the FROM email address, or even the
properties of the email to find out where it came from in
the first place.

Simple rule of thumb is, never open or download files you
didnt request. No matter who it says its from.

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