MS is the new Spyware King!



Leythos said:
And the vast majority of the issues I've seen are pirated copies being
detected and people complaining they didn't know. I've seen very few
cases where a legit copy was improperly flagged as pirated. So, I would
say, like most software, it's working very well.

Due to the way that so many people have their systems hacked together,
so many fixes, virus patched systems, etc... not to mention all the key-
gen installations, other malware, etc... it would not surprise me that
there are false positives, but they are much fewer, magnitudes than the
correctly identified pirated copies.

You sure are living in a fantasy land, Leythos. There are hundreds of
posts from people having problems and who are running an legit XP.



Mugsy said:
You have just proven that you don't even have the courage to back up your
convictions. What a pathetic loser you are!

I "can't" run Linux the loser and whiner says. So he keeps on using Windows,
and god only knows how many other Microsoft products.

But until then, you are, and have always been, a pathetic loser - a gutless
wonder - and the consumate whiner!

LOL! Mugsy posts thru the CDO interface and yet has the hypocrisy to
call others a gutless wonder. What a maroon!


aka@ said:
Or using system restore to go back before the MS spyware. Or
reinstalling Windows. Or reading this and other newsgroups and not
downloading the spyware.

The crack for this spyware has been out for over a week. Normal
uninstall programs will uninstall it. Soooo, you are wrong (again).

No, the fact that there is an Uninstall crack out for it - and you can
just delete the notification app itself - does not mean that people who
were unaware they were using pirated copies of XP are still unaware. The
simple fact is that the WGAN does tell people that they are running,
with what appears to be more than a 99.9% validity, a pirated copy of
XP. You can fight piracy two ways - going after the pirates, which we
all know is not effective, or by making the users of Pirated software
aware that it's pirated and then the users will go after the pirates.
Now this newsgroup has provided us with proof that WGA not only is in
BETA but sometimes will not install on people's computer or, worse, tell
a legit owner that his copy is pirated when it wasn't. What's even worse
is that MS knew it was in BETA and knew it could screw up Otherwise, why
did they write a program to fix the fix that Carey copies and pastes at
least ten times a day?

With all the computers and configurations out there, there will always
be problems with software - no vendor does it better, they all have the
same reliability when it comes to things like this across the same
number of systems.
This fiasco of MS will not stop piracy. It has angered millions of legit
users and will only serve to convince people to take the Linux learning
curve or buy a MAC.

And it WILL serve to allow people to know that their either installed
Legit or Pirated software and empower the user to make a choice based on
that information.

You're still looking at it as though it doesn't impact piracy, and the
fact is that it DOES.


aka@ said:
You sure are living in a fantasy land, Leythos. There are hundreds of
posts from people having problems and who are running an legit XP.

And you've not validated that their complaints are because of Valid
licenses or not.


Leythos said:
And it WILL serve to allow people to know that their either installed
Legit or Pirated software and empower the user to make a choice based on
that information.

Most people that have pirated software know it already. The spyware
doesn't help legit owners one iota and has caused problems.
You're still looking at it as though it doesn't impact piracy, and the
fact is that it DOES.

No, it doesn't. You're in dreamland.


Steve N.

Alias said:
You sure are living in a fantasy land, Leythos. There are hundreds of
posts from people having problems and who are running an legit XP.


His eyes must be brown.

Steve N.


aka@ said:
Most people that have pirated software know it already. The spyware
doesn't help legit owners one iota and has caused problems.

I don't believe that, at least not from what I've seen/read.
No, it doesn't. You're in dreamland.

Nope, been awake for 6 hours already, and it still stands.


Alias wrote:
|| Leythos wrote:
||| And it WILL serve to allow people to know that their either
||| installed Legit or Pirated software and empower the user to make a
||| choice based on that information.
|| Most people that have pirated software know it already. The spyware
|| doesn't help legit owners one iota and has caused problems.
||| You're still looking at it as though it doesn't impact piracy, and
||| the fact is that it DOES.
|| No, it doesn't. You're in dreamland.
|| Alias

Lethos is a _TROLL_. Don't even try to reason with _it_.


Leythos wrote:

No, the fact that there is an Uninstall crack out for it - and you can
just delete the notification app itself - does not mean that people who
were unaware they were using pirated copies of XP are still unaware. The
simple fact is that the WGAN does tell people that they are running,
with what appears to be more than a 99.9% validity, a pirated copy of
XP. You can fight piracy two ways - going after the pirates, which we
all know is not effective, or by making the users of Pirated software
aware that it's pirated and then the users will go after the pirates.

Dream on, boy. Vigilantism died out years ago. No, the users
will not go after the pirates but the biggest crook in sight.
The biggest target in sight is...well, Microsoft. The pirates
are making out like Robin Hood and Microsoft like the big, bad
bully, Prince John. It is not a matter of right or wrong in this
case, but perspective.


Leythos said:
Wrong, and the facts in this group show it's working. Many people are
learning they have pirated versions on XP and are either getting the
vendor to provide a legit copy or are purchasing a legit copy (or
taking the vendor to court/legal action).

That's not stoping piracy, just pointing out to the victims of piracy,
that they have been had.

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."


kurttrail said:
Copy-protection is total BS. It doesn't stop piracy, and all it does it
make it harder for the paying customer use the products they buy.

Copy-protection is totally anti-consumer.

And your achievements, thus far, in this matter? All you've done is waste a
whole lot of keystrokes and a lot of time - More like - years. Posting here
is a futile way to propagate your thoughts, since we only see users seeking
help here, and those offering the same. The policy makers are elsewhere.

A website to let people know your opinions is a good idea, but not the kind
where you abuse and run after NG posters who seem to be least affected.
Would you like visiting a site that throws you an abuse once you type in the
URL, even if it might be illuminating in some respects? In fact, a site
like that undermines the credibility of your discussions.

Before you flame back, consider if the above could really be the case.


SC said:
And your achievements, thus far, in this matter? All you've done is
waste a whole lot of keystrokes and a lot of time - More like -
years. Posting here is a futile way to propagate your thoughts,
since we only see users seeking help here, and those offering the
same. The policy makers are elsewhere.

Who said I'm trying to get through to the "policy makers?"
A website to let people know your opinions is a good idea, but not
the kind where you abuse and run after NG posters who seem to be
least affected. Would you like visiting a site that throws you an
abuse once you type in the URL, even if it might be illuminating in
some respects? In fact, a site like that undermines the credibility
of your discussions.

That is your opinion. I'd imagine most people, that don't have brooms
permanently wedged up their arse, like you, don't feel abused at all by
visiting my site. Hell, I've even had MS's employees tell me they found
my site to be humerous.
Before you flame back, consider if the above could really be the case.

Oh, I've considered it long ago. People with open minds, and a sense of
humor, usually like my site. And I've had many people thank me for it.

Kurt Kirsch
Self-anointed Moderator
"It'll soon shake your Windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'."


kurttrail said:
Who said I'm trying to get through to the "policy makers?"

That is your opinion. I'd imagine most people, that don't have brooms
permanently wedged up their arse, like you, don't feel abused at all by
visiting my site. Hell, I've even had MS's employees tell me they found
my site to be humerous.

You're trying to be proverbial jester aye? Well forget I said what I did.
I thought you meant to communicate some facts through the site. People
would be very interested in your knowledge.
Oh, I've considered it long ago. People with open minds, and a sense of
humor, usually like my site. And I've had many people thank me for it.

Poor Carey, though :)
You search Google for his name, and your site is the first hit. LOL!

Rhonda Lea Kirk

SC said:
"kurttrail" wrote:
Poor Carey, though :)
You search Google for his name, and your site is the first hit. LOL!

<snicker> There *is* justice.

Rhonda Lea Kirk

Insisting on perfect safety is for people
without the balls to live in the real world.
Mary Shafer Iliff

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