MS internet explorer: controlling pop-ups possible?



I don't use MS internet explorer as my browser, but get
pop-ups through it every 1-5 minutes when I'm on the
internet. If it were even allowable, I might try to
disable it, but it is to vital for my own needs when I
need it. How can I somehow control who/what can use MS
internet explorer on my computer?

If I heighthen my security settings, I can't log on to my
own service (sbc/yahoo). Can I type addresses into
the "restricted sites" tab of my security settings
so "" et al be stopped from endlessly
bombarding me with pop-ups? ...doubtful, I know.

Smile Extender

You should scan for parasites (spyware/malware/adware etc). There are some
parasites which displays popup ads when you are on internet but you don't
have to use internet explorer. There are two types of popups: internet
explorer based and network messages. To disable later ones, you should use
firewall althoug you can also disable messenger service.

Help Removing Parasites and AdWare

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