MS Excel Schedule to Access



I currently use a Patient schedule on excel and would like to use it with
Access so other staff members can use it simultaneously. Is there a way to
do this, im not to familiar with access. If not, how do I start to create a
template for it? any help would be appreciated.



Access is split into different, what are known as, objects (tables - to
store your data, form & report - to allow visualization and interaction with
the data).

You'll need to start by designing your tables and then importing your data
from excel. Then you'll need to create the various form so your users can
have access to the data to enter/edit/manipulate it. In access users never
access the table directly, that is why there are form and reports. Once you
have the forms setup, then you can create all the reports that you may need.

Here a few good site to get introduced to access: -In development

Once you get going you'll probably be looking for example databases to copy
and learn from. Here are a few good resource sites:

Finally, when you have questions, post them, people on this forum are very
friendly (and for the most part) extremely competent! It is our pleasure to
help when we can.

One little piece of advise:
You might want to throw your initial design on the forum before delving into
it to far, so that more experienced developers can ensure you are starting on
the right foot.


Great, I will look at the sites to get started. I really appreciate the
info, I will keep the post going with my progress. Thanks Daniel

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