MS Access support?



Hi all,

I heard rumors that Microsoft will stop supporting MS Access. Is this correct?


[MVP] S.Clark

Yup, that's right. Someday Microsoft WILL stop supporting MS Access.

Today, no. Tomorrow... doubt it. Someday, probably, most definately, a
yes. (Like when electricity runs out.)

Go to and search for Mainstream Support. There is a list of
products that no longer make the cut... Like VB6. Then you won't have to
succumb to these evil rumors.

Please take this for the humor that it is, and nothing more.

Joseph Meehan

Ah771 said:
Hi all,

I heard rumors that Microsoft will stop supporting MS Access. Is this


I believe they have or will stop "supporting" some of the very old
versions. MS access is a current product and the next version is under
active development.

Albert D. Kallal

No, no such rumors.

Remember, we just got the a2003 version of office, and with office comes
access 2003. Seeing has how office is a real money maker for Microsoft, it
would be hard to be believe they are dropping the most successful desktop
data management system called "ms-access" in the world would be really dumb!

With this last version of ms-access, we got XML support, nice themed
controls, smart tag checking on design forms. Microsoft even released a SOAP
tool kit to allow you to consume and use web services (.net) in ms-access.
So, we are constantly getting new things, and stuff like XML support, and
being able to consume .net web services just shows how incredible ms-access
is now as a product.

Even more incredible is that the Microsoft team listened to us developers,
and even the JET DAO reference has now returned as a DEFAULT . We have not
had that default JET library set since access97. So, there is a VERY serious
commitments here in terms of supporting ms-access coming out of Redmond.

The Microsoft team is hard at work on the next great version of
ms-access...and I even seen some sneak previous of new features...

So, no..there is no such rumor.

And, what follows is a recent post on this issue about the demise of

Ask your self the following question:

are people stupid, or did Microsoft get successful because they are

It is very important to note here that Apple Computer on several occasions
has forced developers to throw out their code.

Microsoft on the other hand says we are going to work VERY hard to keep your
old code running. What this means is that overtime a competitor to Microsoft
forces developers and business to THROW OUT their software when a new OS
comes out also. When this happens, those customers as a general rule
OUT of that platform, and into Microsoft hands. In other words, one of
secrete weapons for their success has been that they PRESERVE your software

There is nothing stopping you from writing code with ms-access version 2.0
(what 1994??). In fact we still frequently get questions here about that
version. There is nothing stopping you from writing software using FoxPro
2.0. That is also a dos based "text" system, and is also about 1992.

Microsoft has the best track record in the industry in this regards. You can
still run all that old software. You can even run most of it in windows2000,
which really does not even has dos anymore.

Apple, and good many of the other vendors out there have forced numerous
upgrades upon their users. For example, all of the old applications for the
old Apple Macintosh (such as Mac-paint etc). DO NOT work on the new
apple computers. It is not even a question of wanting to run old software,
but you can NOT run the software. (it simply does not work!!).

In other words, just about all of the 1980' applications (and
early 90's code) for the Apple Mac do not work anymore. They WERE FORCED to
upgrade. Note that apple has done this twice so far in my memory of PC

Now, lets take MS's track record:
ALL OF MY "dos" from the early 1980's still runs fine on the
newest windows box. Microsoft does not have a policy of "breaking", or not
allowing the old code to run. They have the best track record in the
industry by far in this regard.

So, really, I don't see any problem here. Nothing is stopping you from using
the 1992 version of dos based Reflex is there? (I have some clients still
running that)

If you want, you can jump over to Dan Bricklins site, and download the
ORIGINAL spread sheet for the IBM pc. It still works today! Do any of you
remember VisiCalc? It is only a 27k download for a whole spread sheet!.
Simply amazing. By the way, this spreadsheet is from the original 1981
VisiCalc disk, and it still runs on Windows today! (heck, the average GIF on
a web site is that large!!).

Just how old of code are you trying to run here? We can't go back before
since the Pc did not exist. Hence, I can't help you with code before that.
On the other hand, there are good number of Atari, and Apple II sites with
great emulators that let you that lots of code from the 1970's.

So, if you want to run some software that is MORE THEN 20 years old, then
Go to Dan's site, and download the ORIGINAL spreadsheet for the pc!!

Here is the link:

By the way, that spreadsheet still runs on a brand new windows xp box.

Anyone who does not realize the INCREDIBLE track record of Microsoft, and
the compatible record simply has not a clue as to why (one reason) MS got so
successful.....and I can tell you it is not because people are stupid!!

But, if you want to run access 1.0, or Visual Basic can...

And, can still even run VB6.

The fact remains that MS cares about preserving your
software, and their track record BEATS the competitors by a
COUNTRY MILE in terms of their systems sporting 5, 10
or even 20 year old software!!

Arvin Meyer

Ah771 said:
Hi all,

I heard rumors that Microsoft will stop supporting MS Access. Is this

You might now consider the source of those rumors to be unreliable. There
have been rumors like this for 10 years or more and still Access goes on.
Don't you think that it might be a bit unwise for Microsoft to stop
supporting what is, by far, the planet's most popular DBMS? Access will be
supported by Microsft for versions to come, and if they ever do stop, we'll
still be here. Worry not Luke ... the Force is with you.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

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