MS Access Newbie - Form Question




I thank anyone in advance who can help me figure out the correct method
for programming a simple form that I am attempting to form.

I am trying to create a form that includes a datasheet. When I click
on an item in the datasheet, I would like that information from the
selected line to appear at the bottom of the page in a second form that
has more detailed information.

The problem is that I cannot make my mainform the datasheet, and also
have a normal columnar form at the bottom of the page. It seems like
the columnar form needs to be my main form, with a datasheet inserted
as a subform. Yet, when I do this the subform keys only off the
information in the main form, which is incomplete.

I have a 700 line database with roughly 20 columns. What I want to do
is be able to quickly scroll through the datasheet to whatever line I
need, then when I click that line the 20 columns are nicely summarized
in the columnar table. Thus, both forms are referencing the same

Hopefully the explanation of my problem makes sense. If anyone has any
advice they might be able to give, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Marshall Barton

I thank anyone in advance who can help me figure out the correct method
for programming a simple form that I am attempting to form.

I am trying to create a form that includes a datasheet. When I click
on an item in the datasheet, I would like that information from the
selected line to appear at the bottom of the page in a second form that
has more detailed information.

The problem is that I cannot make my mainform the datasheet, and also
have a normal columnar form at the bottom of the page. It seems like
the columnar form needs to be my main form, with a datasheet inserted
as a subform. Yet, when I do this the subform keys only off the
information in the main form, which is incomplete.

I have a 700 line database with roughly 20 columns. What I want to do
is be able to quickly scroll through the datasheet to whatever line I
need, then when I click that line the 20 columns are nicely summarized
in the columnar table. Thus, both forms are referencing the same

I suggest that you make the main form a continuous form
instead of a datasheet form. Datasheet forms are too
limited for this arrangement. It's fairly easy to make the
continuous form look like a datasheet and you can have the
from header and footer sections for other uses.

You can the place the othe form as a subform in the main
form's footer section. Then set the subform control's Link
Master/Child Fields property to the table's primary key

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