MS Access 2002 "Safe Mode"


Peter Milsom

Access 2002 Application as MDE's running under NT and
Citrix operating systems. On startup the application gives
message " Access failed to start correctly last time.
Starting Access in safe mode will help you correct or
isolate a startup problem in order to successfully start
the Program. Some functionality may be disabled in this
Mode. Do you want to start Access in this Mode ?"
Selecting yes results in the application starting and
performing OK. Problem is ther is very little to refer to
when looking for the source of this message and to know
what to correct.

Help appreciated - Peter

Arvin Meyer

After opening your application, click on Help ... About of the menubar. The
last item is a Disabled Items button. Clicking on it opens a list box form
with the items that Access has disabled. Beyond that, I can't help you much
because I've never had the problem.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:


Arvin Thanks. I've checked. Ther are no disabled items.
Could I put it down to an AWOL Registry setting. Do you
know which registry key controls that I'd try a manual



david epsom dot com dot au

You don't have permission to reset the registry
value. Try running as an administrator. There
is a setup/install flag that needs to be cleared:
I think from your description that the flag is in
the machine settings rather than in the user settings,
but I could be wrong: the same flag is checked
at startup in both areas.



I am having the same issue in a multi-user Terminal Server Environment. The
registry key is under


If you clear the +=:REG_BINARY: 2B3D0000C80B0000010000000000000000000000

It will startup correctly. However, it will also reinsert the info on
closing the application.

This has only begun to be a problem after we had to do a reload of the
server after a system crash. I have Office loaded on E:\ and the C:\ drive is
blocked from TS users.

We are doing a substitute for a drive to allow the application to run at the
root of the F:\ drive.

I am looking at local security policies as they may not be fully configured

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