MS Access 2000 Error



1. Our group has a MS Access 2000 database we share and it seems that every
time one wants to open the database when someone else already has it opened,
it gives the following error message: "Microfost Access has encountered a
problem and needs to close." Some of us are on XP with MS Access 2002 and
some are on NT with MS Access 2000. Is this what's causing the error
message? What's the best solution?

2. We didn't use to have this problem when using Acces 97. Also, can we
still make code or design changes while more than one person has the database
opened (we used to with Access 97 but not now in Access 2000)?

Allen Browne

The first thing to do is to make sure you have split the database, so that
everyone has their own local copy of the front end.

There is a wizard to do this for you:
Tools | Database Utilities | Database Splitter.

For an explanation of what this is and why you want to do it, see:
Split your MDB file into data and application

For other suggestions on how to stop the database corrupting, see:
Preventing Corruption

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