MROUND error showing



i have programmed a cell with the following equation: =MROUND((F9*15),50). I
am attempting to round the product of the cell reference F9 multiplied by 15
to the nearest 50. When i do this i get a cell error stating "#Name?". I am
not sure of what is happening. Any suggestions for correcting the error would
be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.

Rick Rothstein

MROUND requires the Analysis ToolPak Add-In to be active. Click
Tools/Add-Ins from Excel's menu bar and put a check mark in the appropriate

T. Valko

Depending on the values you're using this may be a suitable alternative that
doesn't need he ATP:


T. Valko

sorry, disregard my previous post

Why? It was correct.

Microsoft Excel MVP

sorry, disregard my previous post

David Biddulph

If you have trouble with any Excel function (except DATEDIF), it's always
worth looking in Excel help. Excel help for the MROUND function would have
given you the answer.

Jarek Kujawa

because when I uninstalled ATP to check if the solution was correct,
Excel did not show me a NAME? error
this is why I thought I was mistaken

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