


I have windows vista home premium. the problem is .mpg file wont play in my
computer.. also i tried using vlc but none of the file including .AVI works..
when i open the file only audio comes and in visual i get visual of the

Pls help

Gordon Keenan

Pooja said:
I have windows vista home premium. the problem is .mpg file wont play in my
computer.. also i tried using vlc but none of the file including .AVI
when i open the file only audio comes and in visual i get visual of the

Pls help

Have you tried installing a divx codec?


yes i have used divx codec. but it still dosent work..pld help also .dot and
dat files dont work


I have made lots of 15 seconds mpg-files with photo-camera.
I could perfectly view them in XP.
In Vista it duddenly doesn't work anymore.

Please do not tell me to install all kind of things !
Vista should be able to do at least the things XP was able to do !

This is a major culprit in Vista, I will have to go back to XP if this

Installing CoDec packs like :
- K-lite
- Vista CoDec pack
- ffdshow
do not bring any solution, most probably because I do not know how to
configure them properly.
I am not an expert, neither do I want to become one - Vista (with all it's
media improvements) should take care of it. If not, I will drop it



Sorry for bumping in Carlos, but I have the same problem.
Installing ffdshow doesn't bring any solution to me neither - maybe a matter
of ffdshow-setup ? Is there anything that should be done during the setup to
make it work properly ?


Adam Albright

I have made lots of 15 seconds mpg-files with photo-camera.
I could perfectly view them in XP.
In Vista it duddenly doesn't work anymore.

Please do not tell me to install all kind of things !
Vista should be able to do at least the things XP was able to do !

This is a major culprit in Vista, I will have to go back to XP if this

Installing CoDec packs like :
- K-lite
- Vista CoDec pack
- ffdshow
do not bring any solution, most probably because I do not know how to
configure them properly.
I am not an expert, neither do I want to become one - Vista (with all it's
media improvements) should take care of it. If not, I will drop it


How many of the above codec packs are on your system?
What is the exact make and model of your camera?
How is your camera connected to your computer?

For what it is worth, I've used VLC Media Player for years, it works
fine in Vista for me and plays nearly every video or graphic file type
there is.

It seems you have some kind of codec conflict or something not set up
correctly if even VLC isn't playing videos for you.

You don't have to become a expert, but you do need to do some basic
things or nobody can help you.


At this moment in time I have only the Vista Codec Pack v.437 installed
because it lets me play most media files in Windows Media Player.

The biggest problem remains the mpg-files that I made with my Sony DSC-755E
photo camera on Memory sticks.
I copied the mpg-files from the Memory Sticks to my hard disk.
On my old machine, Windows XP and WMP 9-10-11 read them perfectly.
With my new (much more recent/powerful) machine, Windows Vista Home Premium
and WMP 11 can't handle them anymore (progress ?).

I have had the VLC player installed on my machine (I was wondering if that
would work) and it gave me the sound but not the image. That is why I have
uninstalled it.

I'd love to do the needed basic things (and even more than that) to make it
work you know Adam, but I am hoping that someone is going to tell me in a
basic-language what I should do and how :).

Thanks for the help so far, and hoping for even more help.
Because I really would like to make this work.

Joe Guidera

You'll need to know what codec the video camera uses to encode video. That
will tell us what codec you need in order to play it.



Thanks for your offer to help Joe.

In the meantime, I found that the only possibility to play these files is
the combination :
- Vista Codec pack v.437
- Media Player Classic

It does not work with the Vista Windows Media Player while it did under
Windows XP : Bravo MS for the NON backward compaatibility.
The newer and the more sophisticated the OS, the lesser we can do with it.

It does not work with the VLC player neither.

And btw, a basic user like me does not know about the exact media file type
a device produces.
Windows Vista with all the whistles and bells Microsoft has been working on
during 5 years and more should have been able to solve this problem for it's

Conclusion :
I should have bought a Windows Vista version without WMP because it does
only part of it's job.
I would have been perfectly happy the way I am right now with Media Player
Classic that does about everything.

How can I delete all the media-file type associations with Windows Media
Player in Vista. I never want to see this one pop up again.

Adam Albright

At this moment in time I have only the Vista Codec Pack v.437 installed
because it lets me play most media files in Windows Media Player.

The biggest problem remains the mpg-files that I made with my Sony DSC-755E
photo camera on Memory sticks.
I copied the mpg-files from the Memory Sticks to my hard disk.
On my old machine, Windows XP and WMP 9-10-11 read them perfectly.
With my new (much more recent/powerful) machine, Windows Vista Home Premium
and WMP 11 can't handle them anymore (progress ?).

I have had the VLC player installed on my machine (I was wondering if that
would work) and it gave me the sound but not the image. That is why I have
uninstalled it.

I'd love to do the needed basic things (and even more than that) to make it
work you know Adam, but I am hoping that someone is going to tell me in a
basic-language what I should do and how :).

Thanks for the help so far, and hoping for even more help.
Because I really would like to make this work.

Being in a playful mood I downloaded and installed the Vista Codec
Pack you mentioned and as soon as I did, then I had the same problem
you did. That strongly suggests that is the cause of your problems.
One or more of those codecs is giving Vista a bellyache. The odd thing
about codecs is they may mess up some systems and not always mess up

Try this. Do a Goggle to locate the "Microsoft XP Video Decoder
Checkup Utility" and install. Its just a little utility that will work
under Vista. See what it nags about in the way of MPEG2 codecs. If
some are giving Vista a bellyache is should put a white x inside a red
circle similar to how Device Manager nags about things on your system
giving it problems.

Next write down the list of codecs with the x, locate them on your
system, should be somewhere in the windows folder on your root drive,
unhide these files if necessary, then ONE BY ONE try renaming the
codecs Vista don't like. Then after each change, do a reboot just to
make sure the change gets registered and see if it helps. If you get
past the problem you can either just leave the problem file or delete
it once you try playing all the file types your normally do to be sure
it isn't being used by something other than Vista. Remember most
video/audio applications like to install their own codecs and may not
always put them where you expect.

If that don't help, try a better tool that lists more codecs, ActiveX
filters and other things Vista uses to play back video files. One very
good one is GSpot. It too is small and free and can help you track
down what's wrong.

zachd [MSFT]

Well, the Vista Codec Pack can stomp on other working decoders, so that
probably isn't going to help your situation in the bigger picture. =\

Since you're on Premium, you already had a working MPEG1/MPEG2 decoder,
which strongly implies some third party stomped on the working decoder.

Under WMP's Help:About:Technical Support Information , what MPEG/MPEG2
decoders are listed as installed?

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