Moving my hard drive to newer PC



Can anyone give me an idea on what I need to "watch out for" when
I take the 20GB hard drive from my Pentium 3PC and add it as a "slave"
to my 1st generation IBM P-4 PC? I have all of my website and email
mailboxes on the P3 computer, and I want to just move that to the
newer (still only a 1.4 GHz P4) PC so that I can get some room on my
They are both Windows XP Pro machines, so I think it will be
fairly easy. Am I wrong there?


Colin Barnhorst

It should just show up as a data drive. How are you mounting it, internal
or external?


What mail program are you using on the P3 machine? Do a search to find out
how to backup and restore the various files/folders for your email system.
If you expect to see the mailboxes on the same drive when you move it to the
P4 machine they won't be accessible unless you move them properly.

Good luck.


Set the jumper on the 20 GB drive to the slave position. See the drive
manufacturer's site if need be but most drives have a legend on the drive's
label. Depending on the type and make of the drive in the P4 system you may
have to set the jumper on that drive to Master/with slave if there is such a
setting. I think Western Digital drives require you to change the jumper
from Master/single to Master/with slave. Most other IDE drives can simply be
set as Master.


Thank you all. I am using AOL 9.0 on the current P3 machine. I don't
have AOL installed on the P4 one. Do I have to move the program and
it's associated folders (with old emails that I need to keep) to "C"
or can I just have the AOL desktop icon to point to "D" and have it
work as it does now?



Oh, I was just thinking... the two things I need to access are my
website files on Dreamweaver and AOL mailboxes. Should I just copy the
folders in "program files" onto an external USB drive then move them
to what will be the "new" C drive on the P4 machine?



If you don't install the AOL program on the P4 machine you won't have an
operating email program because the AOL program installs things into the
registry of the operating system. Simply copying the files and folders
won't install these registry entries. To make the email folders available
to the AOL program will require some research on your part as this is not
related to XP, but a different application program. Contact AOL for their
assistance in moving the emails.

Can't say the same about Dreamweaver since I don't know much about that
program but I suspect the same thing, that the program will have to be
installed instead of simply copying the program's files.

Data files can be copied without issue but program files need to be

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