moving files to external HD using command promt



Can soneone help me move my files from the harddrive to an external
hardrive, using command prompt?
Thanks for the help

measekite Da Monkey

Can soneone help me move my files from the harddrive to an external
hardrive, using command prompt?
Thanks for the help

where do you live? I am not sure I can come over but if you live close
enough, maybe I can.


Can soneone help me move my files from the harddrive to an external
hardrive, using command prompt?
Thanks for the help

Have a look at the xcopy command. At the command prompt type:
xcopy /? for all the avilable options/parameters


Can soneone help me move my files from the harddrive to an external
hardrive, using command prompt?
Thanks for the help

Xplorer2 lite , twin screen , one drive , one screen; other drive ,
other screen ; drag and drop between screens .

Vanshaj Daga

In the recovery menu check for "move" command availability by typing help and
hitting enter. if move is listed in that list type "move /?". then use the
command accordingly. most probably it will be used like "move /y <source
path> <destination path>".

Chad Harris

Can someone help me move my files from the harddrive to an external
hardrive, using command prompt?
Thanks for the help

Heartwill's original post on the Vista setup group, (and information he
hasn't provided here that is causing confusion was this:

"I use vista ultimate. I checked for new updates then installed them. My
machine keeps shutting down and restarting. I see on the screen "configuring
updates, do not power off, 3 of 3 updates 99% completed". this keep going on
and on. I power off after 24 hours then thy to restore my machine using the
installation dvd, but my machine does not seem to boot from the dvd. It says
reboot and select the boot device or instert the dvd and hit a key... things
like this. Anytime i hit the key nothing happens. Can someone help me? I
don´t wana loose my files."

In other words, after installing new updates for Vista, his machine went
into an endless loop of shutdowns and restarts. The result was he couldn't
boot, and he's trying to recover his info. The reason he's trying to use
the command prompt from the Startup Repair menu is that he can't boot to
Windows. I told him explicitly twice that before he tries to move
information from a command prompt outside Windows, he needs to try the F8
Windows Advanced Options (System Restore from All 3 Safe Modes) + Last Known
Good and all 3 bootrec commands that could repair his OS.

I haven't been able to get Heartwell to say whether he has done this.


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