Moving Fax Files

  • Thread starter Jason Garland \(Secure Access Pty Ltd\)
  • Start date

Jason Garland \(Secure Access Pty Ltd\)

Quick question,

we have a client upgrading Win 2K SBS to Win 2k3 SBS and they would like to
presever their faxes.

Now this install will be moving to a new box, and the old system will not be
compatible (so its a fresh install).

What we would like to do is backup the faxes with information, and restore
them on the new Server.
I know the faxes are just local files however the filenames are randomly
generated thus hard to find the information again.

Is there a file or registry key that back be backed up to move these safely

With Thanks

Jason Garland
Secure Access Pty Ltd

Microsoft Partner
Microsoft Certified Solutions Provider

Raghavendra R [MSFT]

I think it should be simply copying the files onto the archive locations in
the new box. The only thing the messages loose is owner information. So in
the new computer only the admins may be able to view the faxes.

Raghavendra R
Microsoft Printing, Imaging and Fax Team
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Jason Garland \(Secure Access Pty Ltd\)

Unfortuently the Sender Date/Time and SSID are lost, as they are kept in the
Shared Fax Viewer App.

Moving the files will reset the dates, and ill have a directory full of
7c3s2123.TIF files that make it hard to see what was what.

Is there a way of renaming off the info in the Shared Fax Viewer, or a way
of exporting the Shared Fax Viewer Info ?

Subhashni Meesala [MSFT]

I've copied the faxes from SBS2000 to SBS2003 and all
information like , CSID/ TSID/ Start Time/ Pages/ Size
etc are stored properly. No Information disappeared.

From which location you copied the tiff files in
SBS2000 ? . There are two locations in SBS 2000 where the
faxes are stored
(1) W2k Fax - %SystemDrive%\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Documents\My Faxes (Inbox and
(2) Shared Fax - %SystemDrive%:\Documents and
Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Shared Fax
(Inbox and SentItems)

Did you copy the tiff files from (1) or (2) to SBS2003 ?
If you copy from (1) , tiff tags won't work and this is
expected. If you copy from (2) ie., shared Fax location ,
all tiff tags will be shown properly in the Fax console
in SBS2003.

-Subhashini Meesala
Microsoft Printing, Imaging and Fax Team
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