Moving database to another location




I have created a user level security for my database which lets different
users log in with different usernames and passwords and have assigned
different rights to each user. I now want to create a copy of the database to
put on every user's pc. If I now just copy the database file, even the
short-cut (updated) with the workgroup information file, it seems to lose all
the user-access settings, because when I open the file, it doesn't ask for a
user to log in. How do I then copy the database to another location, still
keeping the user-access settings entact and let a user still need to log in
on another pc that opens the database? I have used the FAQ about MS Access
Security to set up the user level security.


Rick B

If you can open the file without a password and you have full access, then
you DID NOT secure your databse.

Simply goingin in and adding userids and passwords does NOT secure a

You need to create a backup or two, read and reread the following links,
then start the process to secure your database. Also not, your secure.mdw
file will need to be in a shared loaction if you wish to be able to update
it with new permissions or remove users when they no longer need access.

Security FAQ

The Security Whitepaper is also worth reading to help you understand.

Joan Wild:

Lynn Trapp

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