moving data to a cell, not pulling data to the cell



I am using (=IF(10=MONTH(N16),CELL("contents",H23),H13)) at this time to have
data moved to a cell on different month. But sometimes when the month changes
I loss my data and get N/A. Is there a function that will let me send the
value to the cell automatic as the {manual Paste Special (value)} does. I
what the cells to be as the old DBase data, just the value in the cell for
the month and not a function in the data cell.

Gord Dibben

Formulas can only "pull" they cannot "move" data.

If you want a value-only in a cell you must use the paste special>value or VBA
event code to place the value in the cell.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

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