moving calculated data from field to the table



I have a table named Car Order and form Car Order Form. On Card Order form I
am calculating Sub total and Total Amount by adding few field together. For
example in control source for Sub Total fileld on a form i put:
Same for Total Amount on the same form + I am adding two additional fields.
I have Sub Total and Total Amount field in table Car Order. How do I move
calculated results into this table? Thanks


I have a table named Car Order and form Car Order Form. On Card Order form I
am calculating Sub total and Total Amount by adding few field together. For
example in control source for Sub Total fileld on a form i put:
Same for Total Amount on the same form + I am adding two additional fields.
I have Sub Total and Total Amount field in table Car Order. How do I move
calculated results into this table? Thanks

This is a very common question.
You need to remember that you are using Access, not Excel.

You don't.
There is no need to store redundant data.
As long as you have the various fees stored in the table, any time you
need the total, simply re-calculate them, on a form (as you are now),
in a report, or in a query.

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