moving average & rank



have listing of stores and weekly sales, want to calculate the last four
weeks moving average, e.g, this week (wk4) would be weeks 1-4, next week
(wk5) would be weeks 2-5 and so forth.

second caluculation would be to rank the stores by weekly sales on same four
week moving average.


This can be done - but can you describe the layout of your data please.
Otherwise it's too confusing.


Store# run down Col1, then staring in col10..62 would be weekly sales,
cols2-9 are max qty sold, total sales, overall average sales, overall sales
rank and a few others, I am looking to put the 4 week moving average in col
8, 4 week moving rank in col 9


OK so let's look at the formula needed in Cell H2. This should be the 4 week
moving average for Store #1 - I assume you have a header row.


This could be simplified if you had a value of WEEKNUM(NOW(),1) in a cell
location - then you could refer to that cell. See how you do with that, and
we can do the next part tomorrow

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