Movie maker constantly hangs



I have Movie maker 2 installed and have a lot of problems creating videos with it. The system suddenly hangs then stops altogether. I see in the error log file several messages recurring and wonder if this would indicate the cause, ieTrueVector engine: File "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\IAMDB.RDB" was corrupt and has been copied to "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\xDB5.tmp". File "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\IAMDB.RDB" was corrupt and has been deleted,
Hanging application moviemk.exe, version 2.0.3312.0, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.
Can anyone shed some light and a solution for it,

Many thanks


Same exact problem. Very buggy. I know save after every
change I make.
-----Original Message-----
I have Movie maker 2 installed and have a lot of
problems creating videos with it. The system suddenly
hangs then stops altogether. I see in the error log file
several messages recurring and wonder if this would
indicate the cause, ieTrueVector engine:
File "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\IAMDB.RDB" was corrupt and
has been copied to "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\xDB5.tmp".
File "C:\WINDOWS\Internet Logs\IAMDB.RDB" was corrupt and
has been deleted,
Hanging application moviemk.exe, version 2.0.3312.0,
hang module hungapp, version, hang address


I have disabled the auto save function as I thought that may be causing the problem. Re-loaded Movie MAker again and it is still the same, Is there any other package that does the same job as it is pretty frustrating. My sons have a Dell computer as well and it appears to run fine on theirs so I doubt it is a bios problem.

PapaJohn \(MVP\)


Maybe the Problem Solving > Checklist at will help

Andy said:
I have disabled the auto save function as I thought that may be causing
the problem. Re-loaded Movie MAker again and it is still the same, Is there
any other package that does the same job as it is pretty frustrating. My
sons have a Dell computer as well and it appears to run fine on theirs so I
doubt it is a bios problem.


Thanks PapaJohn, I have been to the checklist up as far as I can go confidently and tried some of the fixes including update codex for PowerDVD but the problem still exists. It seems to manifest itself after saving a selection of short video clips. The music keep going for although the video is frozen then after a short while the whole lot stops and I get a message that moviemaker has stopped responding and to send an error report to Microsoft. The error message is always the same..
19 February 2004 Applicatio n Hang Hanging application moviemk.exe, version 2.0.3312.0, hang module hungapp, version, hang address 0x00000000.
19 February 2004 Applicatio n Hang Fault bucket 32112779.
Is that any help PapaJohn?

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Might be an issue with your source video files.... what kind are they and
where do they come from? MPEG2 clips can causes lots of problems.


Andy said:
Thanks PapaJohn, I have been to the checklist up as far as I can go
confidently and tried some of the fixes including update codex for PowerDVD
but the problem still exists. It seems to manifest itself after saving a
selection of short video clips. The music keep going for although the video
is frozen then after a short while the whole lot stops and I get a message
that moviemaker has stopped responding and to send an error report to
Microsoft. The error message is always the same...
19 February 2004 Applicatio n Hang Hanging application moviemk.exe,
version 2.0.3312.0, hang module hungapp, version, hang address


G'day again PapaJohn
The movie files are from a Sony DSC P8 camera. BAsically a stills camera that can capture short video bursts. My sons take quite a few of themselves Mountain biking then string them together with Movie Maker to create a video. Each clip would be in the order of 10 ~15 seconds I would guess. I believe they are MPEG format. Total amount of clips in a session would be 15 ~20
Many thanks for your time and interest


PapaJohn \(MVP\)

The camera specs I'm seeing say they are MPEG1 files. Maybe convert them to
high quality WMV files as individual clips and then do the project editing
with the WMVs.


Andy said:
G'day again PapaJohn,
The movie files are from a Sony DSC P8 camera. BAsically a stills camera
that can capture short video bursts. My sons take quite a few of themselves
Mountain biking then string them together with Movie Maker to create a
video. Each clip would be in the order of 10 ~15 seconds I would guess. I
believe they are MPEG format. Total amount of clips in a session would be 15


Thanks again PapaJohn

I will try that and come back. However I know of others with the same computer and software that are not having these problems using the same camera. Would removing all of Movie Maker and re-installing be a big job or worth doing. as I have it saved to file. Just looking for the easiest fix really. It is strange that the problem gets worse once I try to save the files in Movie maker
Thanks once agai


PapaJohn \(MVP\)

I think it would be deeper than MM2.... maybe try the next level of depth by
installing the Media Encoder - link on the Setup > Software page of - it'll update more than MM2 would.


Andy said:
Thanks again PapaJohn.

I will try that and come back. However I know of others with the same
computer and software that are not having these problems using the same
camera. Would removing all of Movie Maker and re-installing be a big job or
worth doing. as I have it saved to file. Just looking for the easiest fix
really. It is strange that the problem gets worse once I try to save the
files in Movie maker.

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