move/readdress C:\Documents and Settings


Alex Kudryashev

Hi all,
Do somebody know how to move or readdress system folder
C:\Documents and Settings. I'm planning to install the system on drive C:
and all user stuff on another drive (D: or so).
Thank you in advance.

Sharon F

Hi all,
Do somebody know how to move or readdress system folder
C:\Documents and Settings. I'm planning to install the system on drive C:
and all user stuff on another drive (D: or so).
Thank you in advance.

Have not tried it but have read here that this can be done using an answer
file and running an unattended setup. See the following article:

Cannot move or rename the Documents and Settings folder

André Gulliksen

Do somebody know how to move or readdress system folder
C:\Documents and Settings. I'm planning to install the system on drive C:
and all user stuff on another drive (D: or so).

I have been wanting to do the same thing. In Windows XP and 2000 it is
possible to mount a hard drive partition at a directory. Thus it should be
possible to mount your D:-drive as 'C:\Documents and Settings'. Then
whatever you stores there ends up in D:\.

The problem would be actually removing 'C:\Documents and Settings' and
replace it with an empty mount point on a running system. This could
possibly be done using the recovery console or another OS instance than the
one installed on your hard drive (BartPE might work), but what happens when
you boot up with an empty 'C:\Documents and Settings' before you had the
chance to actually create the mount I am not sure of. Maybe someone else can
answer this?

A workaround could be moving individual subfolders (like the 'My Documents'
folders) to other locations.

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