Move Outlook to my new computer



I bought a new computer and i want to move all my outlook stuff to the new
computer. I already try to moving my stuff by doing to following steps:


Ø Outlook XP and 2003
1. Click File
2. Choose Import/Export
3. Select Export to a file
4. Choose to save it as a Personal Folder File (.pst)
5. Click the Personal Folders option and then check the Include
Subfolders box
6. Browse to the Back up Folder on the desktop and then Choose to
Replace all duplicates
7. Click Finish


Ø Outlook XP and 2003
* Click File
* Choose Import/Export
* Select Import from another program or file
* Click Next
* Select Personal Folder File (.pst)
* Click Next
* Browse to the location of the backed up file
* Click Next

When I'm ready to to the Restore part it gives me the following message
"Seettings\Aaron\Desktop\Outlook Backup\backup.pst is not compatible wtih
this version of the Personal Folders information service
"proterties of this information service must be defined prior to use"
Can someone help me please


mescare2001 said:
I bought a new computer and i want to move all my outlook stuff to the new
computer. I already try to moving my stuff by doing to following steps:


Ø Outlook XP and 2003
1. Click File
2. Choose Import/Export
3. Select Export to a file
4. Choose to save it as a Personal Folder File (.pst)
5. Click the Personal Folders option and then check the Include
Subfolders box
6. Browse to the Back up Folder on the desktop and then Choose to
Replace all duplicates
7. Click Finish


Ø Outlook XP and 2003
* Click File
* Choose Import/Export
* Select Import from another program or file
* Click Next
* Select Personal Folder File (.pst)
* Click Next
* Browse to the location of the backed up file
* Click Next

When I'm ready to to the Restore part it gives me the following message
"Seettings\Aaron\Desktop\Outlook Backup\backup.pst is not compatible wtih
this version of the Personal Folders information service
"proterties of this information service must be defined prior to use"
Can someone help me please

Close Outlook on the old machine. Find, and copy the pst file onto your
transfer medium.
On the new machine, copy the pst file onto your HDD. Do NOT overwrite the
existing one. Remove any Read-Only attribute.
Then open Outlook, and do File-Open-Outlook Data File and navigate to where
you copied it to.
You then have two choices: either drag and drop the data from the old file
to the new, or designate the old file as your mail delivery location.
(Control Panel-mail). Do NOT use the import and export function - that is
only designed to transfer Outlook data to third-party formats, and not to
transfer data between instances of outlook.


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