MouseUP is firing when Form is Loaded


Bill Benson

I have a bound listbox control on a form whose MouseUp event is firing for
some reason between when I double-click the Form to load it, and when
control passes to the user. I am *not aware* of anything going on in the
code to cause this, and there is no call to the MouseUp event nor any class
modules which hook that control, which could be causing it. It has been a
long time since I coded in Access and I cannot say I have used this control
event much anyway -- but it would seem to me to not be an intuitive
behavior. Some stuff happens in that event which I can't really control, I
would like to stop if from firing on the loading of a form. I have checked
the call stack and no other events or procedures appear to precede the
MouseUp event, so it is behaving exactly like I clicked the mouse on the
control, when for certain I have not.

Here is the code in the Load event, maybe one of these statements is causing
the MouseUp event to fire? Still, if so, I would expect to see
PopulateListofFields in the call stack.

Private Sub Form_Load()
End Sub

Function PopulateListofFields()
Dim Conn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rsCheckTable As ADODB.Recordset
Dim i As Long
Dim Prp As DAO.Property
Dim Fld As DAO.Field
Dim d As DAO.Database
Dim SQL As String
Dim T As DAO.TableDef
Set Conn = CurrentProject.Connection
Set rsCheckTable = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

On Error Resume Next
lstFields.RowSource = ""
lstFieldChoices.RowSource = ""
'DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used"

'Test that the items in "Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used" are "in Tbl_GIB_Fields", and
make the items in "Tbl_GIB_Fields" Selected which are in

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
Conn.Execute "DELETE * from Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used WHERE Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used.ID
not in (Select Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used.ID from Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used LEFT join
Tbl_GIB_Fields on (Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used.ID = Tbl_GIB_Fields.ID))"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Tbl_GIB_Fields"
Conn.Execute "CREATE TABLE Tbl_GIB_Fields( ID INTEGER NOT NULL, DataField
Set d = CurrentDb
Set T = d.TableDefs("Tbl_GIB_Fields")
Set Fld = T.Fields("USE")
Set Prp = Fld.CreateProperty("DisplayControl", dbInteger, acCheckBox)
Fld.Properties.Append Prp
Set Prp = Fld.CreateProperty("Format", dbText, "Yes/No")
Fld.Properties.Append Prp

On Error GoTo 0

Set rsCheckTable = Conn.OpenSchema(adSchemaColumns, Array(Empty, Empty,
"Tbl_GIB_All", Empty))
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
While Not rsCheckTable.EOF
i = i + 1
DoCmd.RunSQL ("Insert into Tbl_GIB_Fields (ID,DataField,USE) Values (" & i
& ",'" & rsCheckTable.Fields("COLUMN_NAME").Value & "',FALSE)")

SQL = "Update Tbl_GIB_Fields Set USE = TRUE where Tbl_GIB_Fields.ID in
(Select Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used.ID from Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used)"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQL)
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

lstFields.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"
lstFieldChoices.RowSourceType = "Table/Query"

lstFields.ColumnCount = 2
lstFields.BoundColumn = 1
lstFields.ColumnHeads = True
lstFields.ColumnWidths = "0" & """" & ";2.5" & """"
lstFields.RowSource = "Select ID,DataField from Tbl_GIB_Fields Where Use =

lstFieldChoices.ColumnCount = 2
lstFieldChoices.BoundColumn = 1
lstFieldChoices.ColumnHeads = True
lstFieldChoices.ColumnWidths = "0" & """" & ";2.5" & """"
lstFieldChoices.RowSource = "Select ID,DataField from Tbl_GIB_Fields_Used"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End Function

Bill Benson

Problem is only intermittent and so I suspect I have not given enough
information nor am I accurately documenting the circumstances so pls ignore

Dirk Goldgar

Bill Benson said:
I have a bound listbox control on a form whose MouseUp event is firing for
some reason between when I double-click the Form to load it, and when
control passes to the user. I am *not aware* of anything going on in the
code to cause this, and there is no call to the MouseUp event nor any class
modules which hook that control, which could be causing it. It has been a
long time since I coded in Access and I cannot say I have used this control
event much anyway -- but it would seem to me to not be an intuitive
behavior. Some stuff happens in that event which I can't really control, I
would like to stop if from firing on the loading of a form. I have checked
the call stack and no other events or procedures appear to precede the
MouseUp event, so it is behaving exactly like I clicked the mouse on the
control, when for certain I have not.

I would first check to see if your mouse button has gotten a bit flakey, and
maybe is "bouncing". See if the same problem occurs with a different mouse.

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