Mouseover display of information



I have regular old buttons

<INPUT ID="Button1" type="button" value="Hello" onClick="opn('var1', 'var2', 'var3')" name="B3183" style="width: 110; height:22"

When the user mouses over the button I want a little yellow box with information on it to appear. Sounds so simple
I see people do it all over the place. even here, when you mouse over the + sign of a thread "Expand/Collapse Thread" appears. But that appears to only be ascociated with pictures, not buttons

Can it be done with buttons that are not images?

chris leeds

I "think" you could use a title attribute:
<INPUT ID="Button1" type="button" value="Hello" title="click this and you'll
ruin your computer" onClick="opn('var1', 'var2', 'var3')" name="B3183"
style="width: 110; height:22">
The email address on this posting is a "black hole". I got tired of all the
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Mjohnson said:
I have regular old buttons:

<INPUT ID="Button1" type="button" value="Hello" onClick="opn('var1',
'var2', 'var3')" name="B3183" style="width: 110; height:22">
When the user mouses over the button I want a little yellow box with
information on it to appear. Sounds so simple.
I see people do it all over the place. even here, when you mouse over the
+ sign of a thread "Expand/Collapse Thread" appears. But that appears to
only be ascociated with pictures, not buttons.

Steve Easton

Add a title tag like this.

<INPUT ID="Button1" type="button" value="Hello" onClick="opn('var1', 'var2',
'var3')" name="B3183" style="width: 110; height:22" Title="this is the title">

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Mjohnson said:
I have regular old buttons:

<INPUT ID="Button1" type="button" value="Hello" onClick="opn('var1', 'var2',
'var3')" name="B3183" style="width: 110; height:22">
When the user mouses over the button I want a little yellow box with
information on it to appear. Sounds so simple.
I see people do it all over the place. even here, when you mouse over the +
sign of a thread "Expand/Collapse Thread" appears. But that appears to only be
ascociated with pictures, not buttons.


Never mind, I got it


Thanks Again


Steve Easton

Try adding
document.all.Button1.title.innerHTML = "File There";
document.all.Button1.title.innerHTML = "File Not There";

to the function.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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...............................with a computer
Mjohnson said:
GREAT!!! It works, I just did not know the right word.

So now my bigger problem is getting Javascript to control what goins into the "title".

I am using javascript.

Just for exaple of things I am doing:
Right now, using javascript, I check to see if the file that the button is
opening exists. If the file exists, then the button is green, if the file does
not exist then the button is red.

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