Mouse wheel scroll lines reset to 1 on logon



Every time i log on to any account on my Inspiron 5150, the mouse property
that specifies the number of lines to scroll for each notch/step the wheel
is turned, is set to 1 (which is too low to be practical).

How can I make it stay at the value I want (typically 3)? What could cause
it to be reset (winlogon.exe)?

I have also tried changing the property in question using TweakUI, with the
same result.

WinXPProSP1 all updates


Start/Control Panel/Printers and Other Hardware/Mouse/Properties/wheel ta
Reset scroll to "3" - then click Apply then OK
Many people click just the OK button, the next time they boot it resets to one
If you have completed the above, and it still resets to "one", reinstall you
mouse. Some of the driver files may have gotten corrupted.


Interesting! I have in no other Windows property box experienced that the Ok
button does not also Apply changes. Is this due to a bug in Windows for this
particular applet, is it caused by the (corrupted) mouse driver, or -- why
this uncommon behavior?

Anyway; I'll give it a try, and reinstall the drivers if the first doesn't



I've tried your suggestions, didn't work. The setting gets reset to 1 every
time I log on. Some application must be writing to my registry without my
permission - I'll try to deny the SYSTEM "Set Value" permissions under
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop".

Any other ideas?



Now, this is weird:

After setting the Deny permission as specified below, the registry data for
the "WheelScrollLines" value(s) remain the way they should.

However - and this is one that I do not grasp - the wheel still scrolls just
one line per notch after re-login, and the value specified in the Mouse
Property applet is "1"!

Does anyone have an idea about where this number "1" is stored??

btw.: it's a dell inspiron 5150

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