Mouse Properties - Hardware - 2 entries



XP computer with one USB mouse.
In Mouse Properties - Hardware - entries for 2 mouses
but only one mouse connected.
If I delete one or both, reboot reinstalls 2 entries again.
What can possibly make XP decide to install an extra mouse?
Thanks for any thoughts.


XP computer with one USB mouse.
In Mouse Properties - Hardware - entries for 2 mouses
but only one mouse connected.
If I delete one or both, reboot reinstalls 2 entries again.
What can possibly make XP decide to install an extra mouse?
Thanks for any thoughts.

Just leave it as it is,
If you'd ever unplug your mouse, then put it into your other USB port...
it would probably avoid having to go through the reinstallation


Are their two in device manager? Control panel--system--hardware---device

R. McCarty

Notebook ? - if using a mouse along with the built-in touchpad
then the Mouse category will show two devices. Touchpads do
not have their own distinct category but appear in the mouse list.


Good point!
R. McCarty said:
Notebook ? - if using a mouse along with the built-in touchpad
then the Mouse category will show two devices. Touchpads do
not have their own distinct category but appear in the mouse list.


Yes - 2 devices show in the device manager (no mouse pad on computer).
I just tried rebooting with no mouse installed and then plugging in
the USB mouse after reboot - 2 devices appear.
If I uninstall the first/top entry - the mouse works fine - so it is
the 2nd/bottom device that is actually working???.
If I uninstall the 2nd/bottom entry - the mouse stops working.
Both devices are at Location 0 - whatever that means.
Thoughts? Or just ignore it and do important stuff?

R. McCarty

USB is key point here. Most USB mice use a Composite driver.
This is a multifaceted driver that installs both a HID portion and
also the actual mouse driver. Are you using Windows drivers or
the 3rd party drivers/support software from the vendor. I would
probably install the software for the mouse and see if that resolves
it. For MS mice it's Intellipoint and Logitech offers SetPoint.

Logitech ( Menu ):,en

MS Keyboard/Mice (Menu):


It is a Logitech USB mouse and I had SetPoint but deleted it because I
did not like all the 'extras' that it has. But I also cannot re-assign
some of the buttons. So I think you are right and I have a choice.

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