Mike F from TN said:
Michael, I followed your suggestion. First simply uninstalled the
Intellipoint software. No change. So then I deleted the mouse from the
Mgr, disconnected the mouse remote adapter from the pc, shut down the
(that took some figuring out as I am not used to using keyboard to do it),
rebooted, and found that the mouse was immediately ready and useable.
found it and activated it without me having to do anything. Anyway, the
problem still exists. Let me be more specific now:
The pointer does show up at the default location, however, when I click
nothing happens. I then move the mouse very slightly and discover that it
about 2-inches "northwest" of the default location. I can then move it
and click the button for the result I desire. Do you know what I mean?
hard to describe. Should I start a case with Microsoft? Mike
Yes, I know precisely what you mean. You open the dialog box and the cursor
is where it is supposed to be but you can't get function until you move the
mouse. I did not have that problem when I tried it but I am using a "wired"
mouse, thus I don't know if this is anomaly related to wireless mice and
while this is not a widely used feature, I haven't seen any other complaints
about this from other wireless users.
Are you using this mouse with a laptop or a PC? If a laptop, it may be some
conflict with the touchpad that might be overcome by disabling the touchpad.
If a PC, this issue may be specific to that mouse or its drivers and no, the
left hand does not always talk to the right hand so just because it is a
Microsoft Mouse, doesn't mean it is less likely to have an issue with Vista
than another mouse.
Next question, do you have access to an XP system? If yes, you might try
this mouse on that system and see if you have the same issue.