mouse makes big jumps



When I scroll my mouse on a webpage or a document by placing the mouse arrow
in the righthand scroll bar and left-clickingthe mouse, my page jumps about
3/4's to the bottom. I miss alot of the top.

How can I get the mouse to only scroll down a little and stop jumping alot
down and missing most of the page?

winXP pro
AMD 2500+

Torgeir Bakken (MVP)

ralf said:
When I scroll my mouse on a webpage or a document by placing the mouse arrow
in the righthand scroll bar and left-clickingthe mouse, my page jumps about
3/4's to the bottom. I miss alot of the top.

How can I get the mouse to only scroll down a little and stop jumping alot
down and missing most of the page?


I would think you got this effect from the security update MS03-048/KB824145.
Microsoft is aware of this problem with KB824145 and looking into it.

Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (824145)


Caused by a bug in the recent Q824145 patch.
Microsoft probably knows about it by now.
By the time we get used to this 'new'
feature Microsoft will fix it!!
Maybe this is the way scrollbar is 'supposed' to work:
Position cursor 'close' to the top/bottom of the
slider and it will scroll one window. Farther away
from slider and it will scroll farther.
Use the mouse wheel to scroll.
See mouse properties to adjust wheel.
Press/Hold/Slide actual bar.
Use keyboard shortcut keys:
Up/Down Arrows (See mouse properties to adjust)
Pageup/Pagedown (This is what you want?)
Home/End (Top/Bottom)
Right-click scrollbar...
Menu pops up...
Select option ("Scroll here" is neat!)
========this MIGHT help=============
"Try" turn off smooth scroll...
Control Panel
---Performance [Settings] button
----Visual effects tab
[x] Smooth-scroll list boxes


I updated yesterday. Thats when my troubles started. So I'm screwed for
awhile, because I updated from MS? Thats not good. But there is a fix coming
soon? Can I reverse my update?


IE scroll bar loses functionality

Q. The behavior of Internet Explorer has changed on my
I like to click on an open area of the vertical scroll
bar to jump
to the next screen of data. But IE has suddenly started
jumping two
screens. That's worthless. What happened?

A. Your question interested me, because I have exactly
the same
problem. Both my home and office computers are affected.
I wondered
if perhaps I was imagining that I had used this technique
in the past.
I also thought maybe some gunk got stuck in my mouse. My
mouse was
clean so I put on my investigative cap.

I found out that it's probably due to the update that
released last week. The number was Q824145. It was
intended to fix
three flaws in Internet Explorer.

To see if the update was the problem, I deleted it.
Panel. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. It was listed
Currently Installed Programs as Internet Explorer
Q824145. Click
Change/Remove.) The problem disappeared. I reinstalled
the update
from Microsoft's Web site. The problem was back.

I called Microsoft to ask about the problem. A public
relations person
said later that the company is looking into it.

Now, Microsoft maintains a page with Internet Explorer
update problems.
The current problem is not there yet, but keep an eye out
for it:;en-

In the meantime, I'm leaving the update on the computers.
It is
critical, according to Microsoft. I think it is more
important than
the scroll bar functionality. Hopefully, the company will
fix this bug.


-----Original Message-----
When I scroll my mouse on a webpage or a document by placing the mouse arrow
in the righthand scroll bar and left-clickingthe mouse, my page jumps about
3/4's to the bottom. I miss alot of the top.

How can I get the mouse to only scroll down a little and stop jumping alot
down and missing most of the page?

winXP pro
AMD 2500+

Not only IE but NetScape and Adobe Reader and anything
else you can think of. If'n it aint one thing,it' be two..


What happens when you place your mouse pointer on the lower arrow of the
scroll bar and click?


Re. What happens when you place your mouse pointer on the lower arrow of th
scroll bar and click

What happens is the screen scrolls up about 14 lines; it should scroll only one line when the lower arrow is clicked

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Irving,

It's a known problem with Windows Update KB824145. For now, the only fix is
to remove it. To do so, copy/paste the below into a start/run prompt and
click "ok":

c:\windows\ieuninst /q c:\windows\inf\q824145.inf

Hopefully, the error will be fixed soon and you can reinstall this security

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

irving777 said:
Re. What happens when you place your mouse pointer on the lower arrow of the
scroll bar and click?

What happens is the screen scrolls up about 14 lines; it should scroll
only one line when the lower arrow is clicked.


Thanks Rick Rogers.
I just came back from checking out the MS MVP site as I had not heard of it before now. It's nice that MS recognizes folks that find bugs for them. Do you get rewarded, other than being put on the list? It appears that Microsoft doesn't do much testing of "basic" stuff before releasing Updates. I would think that Microsoft would have automated test scripts to do basic regression testing after "Updates". I guess this is what happens when there is virtual monopoly.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


There are some small non-monetary rewards associated with the designation,
but those of us that do this do it for fun. Updates get a very short testing
window, as they are usually critical to protecting a system. Bugs are often
caught, but are frequently missed as well.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

irving777 said:
Thanks Rick Rogers.
I just came back from checking out the MS MVP site as I had not heard of
it before now. It's nice that MS recognizes folks that find bugs for them.
Do you get rewarded, other than being put on the list? It appears that
Microsoft doesn't do much testing of "basic" stuff before releasing Updates.
I would think that Microsoft would have automated test scripts to do basic
regression testing after "Updates". I guess this is what happens when there
is virtual monopoly.


Has anyone else noticed that this scrolling problem seems to be limited to Microsoft software? That is, for instance, clicking in the middle of the scroll bar useing Netscape instead of IE, works okay

The two problems that I see with with IE scroll bars is a) scrolling jumps to far and b) scrolling de-selects selected text, graphics, etc

These problems do not exist when using Netscape

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

It's because that patch is specific to Internet Explorer.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

irving777 said:
Has anyone else noticed that this scrolling problem seems to be limited to
Microsoft software? That is, for instance, clicking in the middle of the
scroll bar useing Netscape instead of IE, works okay.
The two problems that I see with with IE scroll bars is a) scrolling jumps
to far and b) scrolling de-selects selected text, graphics, etc.

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