Mouse creating "Mouse-over" effect



Recently I started getting a “mouseover†effect anywhere my mouse goes on my
desktop. If I am in Photoshop, as it passes over different pictures open in
its desktop, each jumps to the front as the mouse passes over. If my mouse
leaves the window of one program on which I am working and accidentally
touches another, that program becomes instantly active instead. This is about
to drive me nuts. I even went out and bought a new trackball today hoping
that would fix it, but unfortunately, it did not.


Sounds like a configuration issue. Usually if you right click start and then
click properties/start menu tab/customize button/advanced tab you will see
that sub menus are set to open when you pause your mouse on them. There may
be a similiar function in your configuration settings for the mouse in the
control panel. Try clicking your way around the various tabs and advanced
buttons in there to see if you have either "snap-to" or "Open when
pausing----" etc. Post back with your results. I use a laser mouse and before
that an optical mouse, trackballs are so archaic and troublesome. TTFN.


Start/Control Panel/Mouse click on the Pointer Options tab and make sure the
Snap To option is un-checked.



JS said:
Start/Control Panel/Mouse click on the Pointer Options tab
and make sure the Snap To option is un-checked.



Control Panel | Mouse. Make sure any x-windows or x-mouse
settings are also unchecked.


Tweak UI did the treat. Thanks. XiMouse was enabled. I am embarrished to say
I already had this program and was messing aound with it and probably
selected this option not understanding fully what it meant. Thanks again.


You welcome.
XMouse comes from UNIX (X-Windows).
It an option in Windows for UNIX users who like to have the feature in


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