


Im building a system but i need some help. I am geeting the AMd Athlon XP
2500 333fsb. With a 128mb ddr 8X vid card. Im trying to decide between 3
mb's, I only want one of these motherboards nothing else which one is known
to be the best? I deciding on a Shuttle AK39/N , ECS L7S7A2, Biostar
M7VIT-Pro . Out of these which one has been rated the best or has not been
giving problems? I tried and not reviews for these. Also
will a 300w power supply hande this config or should i get the 350w power
supply? Thanks for the help!


Oooo. Unless you're running some heavy stuff, 350 is fine. However, if
he's planning to make some add-ons, you're point is right.

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