Motherboard Replacement and Vista


David Dickinson

Howdy, Folks,

When putting a new motherboard in a system, in previous versions of Windows
it was possible to do a repair installation by booting from the CD. This
prevented losing system settings and having to reinstall applications. See:

However, there is no similar article for Vista and, before I replace a
motherboard, I wanted to know if anyone has followed a similar procedure
with Vista.

Bruce Chambers

David said:
Howdy, Folks,

When putting a new motherboard in a system, in previous versions of
Windows it was possible to do a repair installation by booting from the
CD. This prevented losing system settings and having to reinstall
applications. See:

However, there is no similar article for Vista and, before I replace a
motherboard, I wanted to know if anyone has followed a similar procedure
with Vista.

Yes, you can repair Vista, although the process has changed somewhat:

Windows Vista Help: Startup Repair: frequently asked questions


Bruce Chambers

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with vista its an in place upgrade.

(e-mail address removed)

Howdy, Folks,

When putting a new motherboard in a system, in previous versions of Windows
it was possible to do a repair installation by booting from the CD. This
prevented losing system settings and having to reinstall applications. See:

However, there is no similar article for Vista and, before I replace a
motherboard, I wanted to know if anyone has followed a similar procedure
with Vista.

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