most efficient way to filter out and iterate through datasets in X


Bart Wouters

Hi all,

I am currently doing some rapid prototyping in VBA-Excel2003.
Excel is used as lightweight relational database, hence requiring
frequent selection of 'records/rows' based on multiple criteria.

The selections then are transformed into arrays in order to present them in

What is the most efficient/performant way to filter out the relevant
information ?
autofilter ? advancefilter ? find(next) ? for each r in rows - loop ?

tnx in advance,
kind regards,
Bart Wouters

Bernie Deitrick


The best way is to use Autofilter before use of
..SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) Sorting on your key column(s) prior to
filtering would also improve speed and processing ease.

MS Excel MVP

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