More Windows Vista Install Problems - Help me please?



I've received a disk from Microsoft (I ordered it rather than downloaded
given the installation problems listed here). I tried to install it on two
computers, basically state of the art brand new dual core Dell's with more
than enough power to run Vista. On both systems, after the install begins
and Vista looks for updates on the internet, it states that it can't get an
internet connection (even though it is connected). I "ignore" the updates,
finish the install, it seems to go to the very end in each case, but on the
final re-boot it reverses the install and goes back to XP for some reason.

How broken is this version? Does anybody have any suggestions for me?

Tom Scales

Grazen said:
I've received a disk from Microsoft (I ordered it rather than downloaded
given the installation problems listed here). I tried to install it on
computers, basically state of the art brand new dual core Dell's with more
than enough power to run Vista. On both systems, after the install begins
and Vista looks for updates on the internet, it states that it can't get
internet connection (even though it is connected). I "ignore" the
finish the install, it seems to go to the very end in each case, but on
final re-boot it reverses the install and goes back to XP for some reason.

How broken is this version? Does anybody have any suggestions for me?

Are you making sure you're giving it the proper SATA drivers?


SATA drivers? How or why would I do that? It doesn't ask me for any drivers
at any point.

Tom Scales

I don't have it memorized, but early in the install, it asks if you need to
install drivers for your hard drive. It used to be F6, but now there is a
button. You should be able to use the XP drivers from


John Barnes

During the install it asks if you want to check the internet for updates.
Select no, and see if you can complete.

Colin Barnhorst

It won't ask for drivers. You are supposed to know whether your system has
drivers in firmware or need to supply the drivers on a floppy, cd, or
thumbdrive. There is a Load Drivers button on the screen where you select
the partition to install to. Without knowing anything about your computer
or how XP was installed on it, no one can say further.

If you are about to overwrite XP on the only partition on the only hard
drive on your primary home computer then DON'T!!!! There is no rollback
from Vista to XP. It requires a reinstallation of XP to get your old system

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