More than two vertical axis



I want to plot line graphs with seven series of numbers using the left vertical axis (x) and one series using the right vertical axis. The horizontal axis (y) is coomon to both, (date). I'm using the chart wizard to set up the graphs, however when I do the graphing some of the series use the left axis and some use the right axis. Not certain why. Can someone help me with the situation. Thanks for your help


I'd suggest you right click on the line you want to plot on th
secondary axis then click

format data series
and check secondary

do the same for the other series, but check primary

or, assuming that the last series is the only one you want on the righ
hand axis, try this code:

Sub set_axes()
For n = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count To 1 Step -1
If n = ActiveChart.SeriesCollection.Count Then
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(n).AxisGroup = 2
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(n).AxisGroup = 1
End If
End Su

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