More than one cell answers??????



I have a worksheet
in colum A:A I have dates

then in colum C:C and colum D:D I have numbers.

Using a formula how I do I find and move, or copy, ((ALL)) the
2/1/07-2/28/07 records into the E:E, F:F, and G:G colums and so on and so
forth down to december?
for example:
a c d
2/1/07 100 234
3/1/07 100 456
2/1/07 50 545

a c d e f g
3/1/07 100 456
2/1/07 100 234
2/1/07 50 545


Here is a start
' some code needed here to determine the number of rows.
' Assumed 31 in this case. Sort by date
Range("A1:C31").Sort Key1:=Range("A29"), Order1:=xlAscending, _
Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
' some code needed here to find which rows are the same month
' then move those rows to the correct columns
Range("A5:C7").Cut Destination:=Range("D7:F7")
' make sure the column width is wide enough


thank you for your reply. number of rows is A:A the whole sheet.
the order of the original must stay the same. So I should use copy instead
of cut right?
so know that I have the allingment copyed i just do simple math right?


In your spec the rows do not stay in the same order.
Here is some code which will do as I think you want (assuming your data
starts in A29):

Sub MoveData()
StartRow = 29
Nrows = Cells(StartRow, 1).CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
For i1 = StartRow To StartRow + Nrows - 1
n1 = Month(Cells(i1, 1))
If n1 > 1 Then ' dont move January
newcol = 2 + 3 * (n1 - 1) ' leave one blank column after January
' so if macro rerun current region not affected
Cells(i1, 1).Resize(1, 3).Cut Destination:=Cells(i1, newcol)
End If
Next i1
End Sub

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