More than 7 embeded if statements



Hello. I am trying to create a function that will return a result in a field
when a value is placed in another. Example, in cell A1 if an A is entered,
the value of A = 4.00, likewise B+ = 3.33, B = 3.00 and so forth (GPA calc
table). I know I have more than 7 embedded if statements which is not
allowable. I tried to used a name/definition to use the funtion
=Index(LetterGrade,MATCH(F1,GradeValue,1)) to match the values to the letter
grade entered.

The issue with this is that the values may not be in accending or decending
order so my values are not showing correctly. Period 1 may be a C+ (worth
value of 2.33) Period 2 may be an A (worth value of 4.00), period 3 may be a
D+ (worth a value of 1.33) and so forth. Any suggestions?

Don Guillett

Have a look in the help index for VLOOKUP>set up a table> be SURE to use the
,false parameter.

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