more than 1 website with SUS


Bernard Dijkhuizen


I'm running W2K server with SUS on port80 (default website).
Now we have to add another website on the same server. It would be nice to
do it like this:

keep SUS the way it is.
create a DNS entry for the new website
when someone goes to http://newwebsite he goes to the same server on the
same IP adres.
the phrase newwebsite should trigger the server to go to the new domainname.

Is this the way I could/should go or is there anyone who has a better idea?

As far as I know, SUS needs port 80 for the users to connect to.



I have not tried this, but I suppose it would work. Just be aware that SUS
installs the IIS Lockdown tool which may affect your other website. You
asked if anyone has a better idea - yes, use another box for your other
webserver and keep SUS on a dedicated box, but you probably don't want to
hear that ;-)

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