More problems with 2002


Pam I know there is something def wrong - I've had several problems
after upgrading to 2002 - could it be something wrong with the LOCALHOST???
when I try to open menumaker - it now says that it has failed to find the
resources for the application - closing down the application - when I open
a web with an included menu at the top, and then close that page, and try to
reopen it I get ' the contents of a frontpage component have been modified.
These compoents will be overwritten when you save this page . and sometimes
I get a Auto Save Run time error 440 - automation error - when I click on
these, I get a couple more errors, then it shuts down FP .. if it DOES open
anyway, then I get several copies of the top included page ... or copies of
pictures... now this isn't happening when I make a web from my
documents/mywebs and then start from there - its only on the localhost - is
there a way to repair the localhost or any ideas??? I'm tearing my hair

if all else fails - how do I uninstall 2002 and go back to 2000 without
losing my sites???



Well, I just put the cd in for Office 2002 and it did the upgrade - do I
have to manually upgrade Server Ex? I've gone to the link, and done the
update check and it says I need a critical update but the download size is
0KB and the download time is 0 min ... it is checked for Office XP service
Pack 1 - however, even if I click ok, to start installation, it goes thrut
he process and then says installation unsuccessful - I've tried this many
many times...and same results - any ideas?


Jim Cheshire

What I'm specifically talking about is a bug in the server extensions that
cause shared borders to duplicate. If that's not what you're seeing, don't
bother with it.

I'm not sure what you mean by opening "menumaker". If you are using a
product inside of FrontPage, it could be that the product you are using is
crashing and you need to contact the third-party that produced that product
to see if they can help figure it out.

Jim Cheshire
Jimco Add-ins
Co-author of Special Edition
Using Microsoft FrontPage 2003
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