More help with Formula


Judy L

I have to modify a sheet but I am not sure how to do it.
This formula worked perfect. =SUMPRODUCT((B2:J3=102)*A2:I3)
But now I need to add another column with another code that is alphabetic.
I keep receiving an error because I am introducing text.

I had ten columns, one for each day of the week and one to input a "Code #"
for each day. Now I will have an additional column for each. I still need
the weekly totals of the hours by code# and I need a summary of them that
will fit into the 4 subcategories.

Mon Code Subcode Tues Code Subcode
5 102 FA 2 105 D
2 105 FA 4 102 D

Weekly Total: Code# -9 Code# 105-4
SUbcode - FA-7

Can anyone help? I am really trying to understand but unfortunately my
experience is limited.

Thank you

Judy L

Hi Ryan,

You're right the article is great, but I still receive a value error. I have
tried dozens of variations and none have made a difference. I'll keep



If you send me the file I will try to do it for you:
(delete the *** part...I don't want spam...or should I say more spam...)

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