Monthly Sales Forcasting Formula

Oct 28, 2012
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I am trying to make an excel spreadsheet that lets me know if my sales reps are projected to hit their goals depending on their current numbers and month to date. My reps have a specific number to hit. I wouls also like to color code the field with red, yellow or red depending on the outcome.

Any idea where I can start?

I first started with the sales quota for the month divided by the actual sales month to date, which gives me a percentage of month to date of course but no forcasting.

When I try to incorporate a date is where I get lost

any help would be appreciated
Mar 20, 2012
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Are you putting in 1 number per month and then comparing that to what the total for the year is? If so, you could compare the average of the numbers already entered to what the yearly total should be divided by twelve. As far as color coding, you would use conditional formatting for that which depends on the version of Excel as far as which options are available to you.
Oct 28, 2012
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I am trying to project hitting a goal for a single month. Lets say the goal is 10 and by the middle of the month they are at 4. I want it to show the projection for the month and then color code it with the conditional formatting(red,green,yellow) depending on where there projected to finish

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