


hi on my computer I have two display adapters one is a pci sis 6326 another
is a trio3d on board my main monitor is on my sis6326 and my other monitor
is on the trio 3d I am tiring to run these monitors with windows. I restart
my computer to see if my monitors will start my main monitor stays on but my
second one dose nothing I checked device manager and it says that my trio 3d
video adapter cannot start. (Code 10) it said this same thing when I was in
windows 98 but when I connected my second monitor windows found it and the
device was working fine how can I get these monitors to work?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Michael,

In general, you can't run dual monitors when one of them is an on-board one.
You need either dual cards (one agp and one pci or two pci cards), or a
pci/agp card that has dual heads.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Windows
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone

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