monitor/video driver problem after reinstalling Windows XP



I had to reinstall XP and everything else on my Dell
4500S. All was well until I couldn't change my screen
resolution. I discovered that I needed to install my video
driver, so I did that off my original CD. When I booted
up, after the Windows screen and before it got to my
desktop, the screen went blank. I downloaded the latest
driver, but got the same results. I had to uninstall the
I still can't adjust the screen resolution, I can't select
the properties for my monitor (an older IBM C70 17"), nor
can I find the monitor in my hardware.
I'm not good at this stuff, so can someone help me figure
out what is going on?

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

You need to go to the manufacturer's websites and find the correct drivers.


I did that, but i still get the same results. Before I
reinstalled XP, the original driver worked fine. I spend
an hour on the phone with a Dell tech, checking my video
hardware and installing the driver. We tried with the
driver on my CD, then tried with the newly downloaded
driver from Intel, but got the same results either way. I
don't know if it's a problem with my video driver or my
monitor at this point.

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

To diagnose which is it, you'll have to borrow a monitor from a friend and
check. A PC with a bad graphics card should not actually even boot.....

Do you see ANYTHING on the monitor on booting the PC? If you hear 'beeps',
then I'd suspect the graphics card, if there are no beeps, I'd suspect the

Hank Lambert

I am having the same problem with a home built computer.
I reinstalled XP home, and the system boots into a black
screen. I have reloaded and removed the video drivers,
nothing changes. I can boot into safe mode with no

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

Change the graphics card.... or ensure that it is correctly seated in the


The driver and monitor were working fine until I
reinstalled XP (and all the software from the CDs that
came with my computer). Every time I install the graphics
driver, this is what happens when i boot/reboot...The Dell
logo comes up, then the Windows logo. Next, instead of
getting my desktop, the screen goes blank, as if it's off.
I have to turn it off, then back on and F8 at the Dell
logo and go to the last known good setting in order to get
to my desktop. Then I have to uninstall the driver again.
I would give up and live with the settings, but even with
the latest version of Internet Explorer, I don't even have
a setting to enable Java and can't view many web sites!
It's getting really aggravating!

Cari \(MS-MVP\)

In reverse order:

Java is a separate piece of software and can be obtained from

Have you checked the Dell website for the latest graphics drivers for your
graphics card.... since you still haven't told us which graphics card you
have it's difficult to point you in the right direction for the drivers from
the actual manufacturers.

From the first posting where you said a Dell 4500S, it looks like you have
Integrated Graphics with an Intel 845 chipset, but you could have changed
this by adding a separate graphics card... (and disabling the onboard

But if the system is still as it came out of the box


I have the Intel 82845G/GL Graphics Controller. I've tried
downloading the latest driver from both Dell and Intel,
but still have the same problem.

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